Thursday 14 November 2013

Online Video Distribution

there are three main types of online distribution of which one of those are broken down in to another two these are download, progressive streaming and true streaming. progressive streaming is broken down in to another two and these are progressive streaming and progressive download they are generically used to describe each other and sometimes confused wuite easily but both have their differences.

DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION - ( content delivery, online distribution or electronic software distribution)

this describes the delivery means of media content suck as audio, video, software and video games.
online distribution bypasses traditional means of physical distribution methods such as hard files like paper, DVD's and CD's. with the way that technology has evolved and the advancement in network bandwidth capabilities online distribution has become very prominent since the 2000's.


in the context of which we are using here download literally means recieve and save and realistically explains its self in this way more than any. The dowloadable content would only be usable once the download was complete


the concept of progressive streaming is one of which you are asble to show pre-recorded information (video or music) over a network of which a user can join and then view without saving the content to his/her hard drive but only be able to view when coneccted to the network.


the concept o0f true streaming is live onformation is fed to a server and then sent directly to the user this is not edited and therefore is shown as seen by anybody watching the event live example such as the famous felix baumgartner jumping from space was shown through live streaming to millions.

Cavan Steven Chameon Mcloughlin.

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