Tuesday 28 January 2014

screen writing notes

Screen writing theory!
To understand the role concept, theme, characters and structure play in storytelling. In this order!
CONCEPT. Like a survey this should be tested to check if it is sound!
LOGLINE –is the film explained in 40 words or less.
Whos the protagonist, what happens to them and what do they have to overcome. Formula for a logline.
Protagonist= hero.
A film is always about what happens to the protagonist that is why a logline is always important so that once viewed people are able to explain the film in a simple manner.
There are 2 types of loglines this is not an academic teaching but a trade/industry reference.
Compass logline- the writer at the beginning and this is to keep the direction of the story travelling continually throughout in same direction.
Logline – the final logline is created at the end of the film and is an aid in use of pitching/selling the movie to a director and an audience through a trailer.
Synopsis – 1 page of information that explains the story ( a fleshed out logline) for each act of the story.
Treatment- 10-50 pages long.

THEME- is what it is really all about it can be one or two words or what if e.g. aliens the theme of that film is motherhood.
Protagonist-luke skwalker
Antagonist- darth vader
Stakes- princess leah
Mentor- obi won kanobe
Names (who they are, what they are about in this world) –
Skills –
CORE NEGATIVE BELIEFS –all characters must have a weakness or flaw this is the thing that drives the characters there neurotic behaviour is driven by this.
Both antagonist and protagonist must be strong but in different ways to create a balanced battle otherwise one or the other will easily walk over the other.
Characters motivation- what the character is driven by their ambition and there drive and the reasons why
Dilemma is a morale choice that will come up somewhere through the film the protagonist will always decide to do the right thing and the antagonist will always decide to do the wrong thing. The harder you make the choice for the protagonist the more drama you will get out of it. The closer they are to the edge of looking like they may make the wrong decision the better the drama or the more they have to lose by making the right choice.
Secrets- each character must have secrets as this creates conflict as people will try and exploit people because of this and use it against them again the better and bigger the secret the bigger the conflict the more they have to lose by this being released .
Back story- all characters will have a back story where they are from and what they have done initially (a biography of the character to understand who they are.)
STRUCTURE- 3 act structure developed by syd field beginning, middle, end.  The whole script should be  85-117 anymore is looking at 2 hours long they prefer 90-100.
Act 1 – one page of screen play formatted in film format equals one minute of film on average. The act structure is also looked upon as the heroes journey (greek mythology) there is only one story it is just told over and over again.
  0-10 pages in (the ordinary world)
 10 pages in is the INSIGHTING INCIDENT
27-30 is the 1st act break
50 is the mid break
75 pages in is the 2nd act break
75 to the end is the end fight conclusion love romance
in sighting incident the moment in the film that sends the protagonist on their journey. This then continues creating bad things until you get to the 1st act break this is where there is a large change in the story a surprise and then continues to keep bad things happening until the middle where really bad stuff keeps happening, then the 2nd act break bigger reversal and then the end is the conclusion fight love end fight.
First 25 pages is about secluding the protagonist (hero)
Pages 25-50 is about them trying to find answers (protagonist)
50-75 pages which is generally the death of the mentor and then full warrior mode
75+ is martyr where they generally have to sacrifice something from themselves or themself completely.
The more the protagonist is beaten down and losing the more the antagonist is winning and gaining until the protagonist begins to fight the father figure is taken and then the protagonist starts to become the mentor and sacrifices himself for the greater good through sacrifice he will prevail.  Antagonist will never sacrifice and this is his weakness.
There are usually 6-8 sequences within each act unless it is a hugely action orientated film then there may be less.
You would write on each FILE CARD questions to the effect of sequence one what is the protagonists ordinary world sequence 2 identify incident ?
3 pages a sequence!!!
25 pages per act
De noumente is the final act!

Conflict is the core of all drama, drama is driven by conflict.
Always make sure that you have the right producer right day right project. Always have other idea’s readily available when in a position to share them.

Objective : to

Autheur = author a personal stamp on the film that only they could bring
Creative =
DYEGESIS- when we create a film we create a world that has rules but they don’t have to reflect real life. The world in which the film inhabits is called the dyegesis this is to give the film a foot hold in the real world to connect with the audience,
MISE-EN-SCENE- location colour direction setting the world must be relevant to the story. Controlling the totality of the image ( clothes make-up expression black and white depicts the era if your able to pick up on a lot of things based on the settings and things that influence the audience with out words this is the mise-on-scene.
Kuleshov theory is showing an emote expression (an emotionless person then move from that image to an image that depicts an emotion this then move back to the image of the blank expression you will then project that expression on to the character you see before you. What does somebody see what does somebody hear in the film and this is important in film directing to move the audience in the direction you want them to (to create an emotional judgment on your character based on the images that you create as to create a collective emotional decision that the audience and the director both agree on.

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time, with the intention of enabling the creator of intellectual wealth (e.g. the photographer of a photograph or the author of a book) to get compensated for their work and be able to financially support themselves. Generally, it is "the right to copy", but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and otherrelated rights. It is a form of intellectual property (like the patent, thetrademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete

Public domain
Works in the public domain are those whose intellectual property rights have expired,[1] have been forfeited,[2] or are inapplicable. Examples include the works of Shakespeare and Beethoven, The King James Bible, most of the early silent films, the formulae of Newtonian physics, and the patents on powered flight.[1] The term is not normally applied to situations where the creator of a work retains residual rights, in which case use of the work is referred to as "under license" or "with permission".
In informal usage, the public domain consists of works that are publicly available; while according to the formal definition, it consists of works that are unavailable for private ownership or are available for public use.[2] As rights are country-based and vary, a work may be subject to rights in one country and not in another. Some rights depend on registrations with a country-by-country basis, and the absence of registration in a particular country, if required, implies public domain status in that country.

Creative commons
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization headquartered inMountain View, California, United States, devoted to expanding the range ofcreative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.[1] The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights theywaive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses

Film certification
motion picture rating system is designated to classify films with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content. A particular issued rating can be called a certificationclassificationcertificate or rating.

Character deformation
Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and have been made to someone other than the person defamed.[1] Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, calledslander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.

In law, a person is legally liable when they are financially and legally responsible for something. Legal liability concerns both civil law andcriminal law. Legal liability can arise from various areas of law, such ascontractstort judgments or settlements, taxes, or fines given bygovernment agencies. Liabilities may be covered by insurance, although typically insurance covers liability arising from negligent torts rather than intentional wrongs or breach of contract. Liability may also be imposed joint and severally in certain cases. Liabilities arising from a contract to borrow money are debt.

Sita sings the blues.

Process from script to business

Thursday 23 January 2014

research for movie review show

Movie review shows what works?
Epic movie review
Vox pops  
3 guys one sofa
Wide range of review by asking the general public giving the public their say
Also a little funny part of it is the natural banter between the group
I found this to be very niche as the reviewer can’t see this makes it almost like his other senses have to be greater.
He talks about the acting and I feel he would have a greater appreciation for the story to the film
harsh higher level of review from what you feel is a subject matter expert and seems to review the content more than just entertainment value ( more information than usual )
straight to the point
and very interlectual

Thursday 16 January 2014

production log

                                                                    production log

day 1

on arrival of the production of which has already started I have been asked to create a pitch/idea to deliver to an organisation to create a road safety advert in which will be shown in colleges to student in order to prevent dangerous driving.

Day 2
Today I have started my pitch in which I believe that I have a brief idea of which I want to do the theme of this advertisement will be the effects of life after an accident to show that once the crash is over the consequences of the actions leading up to the accident are not. The only decisions I feel I have to make are on location as I would like to film at the scene of the accident but as it is still fresh in one of the victims minds I feel this may be inappropriate or too much too soon. I have decided to use my father in the interview as he has just been through this himself and he has been very kind to volunteer his services to the project.
I would also like to note that I have been assigned to this project with 2 other students. Already this has proven a little difficult as one of the students has a very strong opinion of what she wants to show in her campaign and has made it clear that she will not compromise on any of the points that she wants showing in her advertisement.

Day 3
I have decided to go ahead with my idea as I believe that I have a relevant part that I would be able to show in the campaign. I am going to interview my father whom has always been in self-employed and has recently been in an accident that involved him, my brother and also his best friend with whom died as a result of the accident. I have decided to film the interview at the residence of the interviewee as I believe that taking him to the scene of the accident is too much mentally and physically. I am also still having problems with the other 2 students as their attendance towards this campaign has been next to nil existent this is proving to be very difficult.

Day 4
I have started the pre-production paperwork that needs to be completed before I can commence with the actual practical production. In my pre-production paperwork I have included the following:
Actor’s contract
Call sheet
Cast list
Contributor release form
Equipment booking form
Location release form
Production schedule
Script breakdown
Risk assessment
Storyboard (this is more a floor plan to demonstrate the camera angles and the position of the interviewee and the interviewer.
And also as a part of the pre-production I will include this production log

At this point I have decided to take on this project myself I will complete all of the things that have been tasked to the group myself I think in the long run for the sake of the campaign this will prove to be for the best.

Day 5
After collecting and filling out all relevant paperwork I have decided that I am ready to carry out the practical side of the production I have scheduled that this production should take 5 hours to complete, this includes collecting my equipment that I have previously booked out, travel of which I am using a bus, filming and then travel back.

Day 6

After travelling to the location to film on my return today I found that I had not correctly set the audio recording and therefore it would seem that an what seemed as an easy task has already had its first set back, I will be returning to the location to film and record (audio) again as soon as I have filled out some more pre-production paperwork (e.g. equipment booking form)
Day 7
I returned to film the interview with my father again today and fortunately everything went well this time everything was on schedule and also all of the visual and audio recording went.

Day 8
Today has consisted of editing the material that I have collected from the interview I am very happy I feel this interview shows exactly the consequences of your actions if complaisance sets in while driving.