Thursday 16 January 2014

production log

                                                                    production log

day 1

on arrival of the production of which has already started I have been asked to create a pitch/idea to deliver to an organisation to create a road safety advert in which will be shown in colleges to student in order to prevent dangerous driving.

Day 2
Today I have started my pitch in which I believe that I have a brief idea of which I want to do the theme of this advertisement will be the effects of life after an accident to show that once the crash is over the consequences of the actions leading up to the accident are not. The only decisions I feel I have to make are on location as I would like to film at the scene of the accident but as it is still fresh in one of the victims minds I feel this may be inappropriate or too much too soon. I have decided to use my father in the interview as he has just been through this himself and he has been very kind to volunteer his services to the project.
I would also like to note that I have been assigned to this project with 2 other students. Already this has proven a little difficult as one of the students has a very strong opinion of what she wants to show in her campaign and has made it clear that she will not compromise on any of the points that she wants showing in her advertisement.

Day 3
I have decided to go ahead with my idea as I believe that I have a relevant part that I would be able to show in the campaign. I am going to interview my father whom has always been in self-employed and has recently been in an accident that involved him, my brother and also his best friend with whom died as a result of the accident. I have decided to film the interview at the residence of the interviewee as I believe that taking him to the scene of the accident is too much mentally and physically. I am also still having problems with the other 2 students as their attendance towards this campaign has been next to nil existent this is proving to be very difficult.

Day 4
I have started the pre-production paperwork that needs to be completed before I can commence with the actual practical production. In my pre-production paperwork I have included the following:
Actor’s contract
Call sheet
Cast list
Contributor release form
Equipment booking form
Location release form
Production schedule
Script breakdown
Risk assessment
Storyboard (this is more a floor plan to demonstrate the camera angles and the position of the interviewee and the interviewer.
And also as a part of the pre-production I will include this production log

At this point I have decided to take on this project myself I will complete all of the things that have been tasked to the group myself I think in the long run for the sake of the campaign this will prove to be for the best.

Day 5
After collecting and filling out all relevant paperwork I have decided that I am ready to carry out the practical side of the production I have scheduled that this production should take 5 hours to complete, this includes collecting my equipment that I have previously booked out, travel of which I am using a bus, filming and then travel back.

Day 6

After travelling to the location to film on my return today I found that I had not correctly set the audio recording and therefore it would seem that an what seemed as an easy task has already had its first set back, I will be returning to the location to film and record (audio) again as soon as I have filled out some more pre-production paperwork (e.g. equipment booking form)
Day 7
I returned to film the interview with my father again today and fortunately everything went well this time everything was on schedule and also all of the visual and audio recording went.

Day 8
Today has consisted of editing the material that I have collected from the interview I am very happy I feel this interview shows exactly the consequences of your actions if complaisance sets in while driving.  

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